National Fellowship Executive Committee 2024-2025
(UPDATED September 2024)
President – Owsley, Dave (Kristina)
email is:
Vice President – Roscoe, Bev (John)
Two Rivers Charge Western PA
Associate Member
South Fayette Cooperative Pastor
34 Devan Avenue, Uniontown PA 15401
Treasurer -Jerry Colbert
Ret LP
John Wesley UMC
Annapolis, Baltimore Washington Conference
Membership / Website – Clark, Will (Colleen)
Isle of Faith UMC
1821 San Pablo Rd. S., Jacksonville, FL 32224
Florida Conference Fellowship Chairman / FTLP
Annual National Fellowship Registrar – Holloway, Michele (Bob Brissenden)
Marquam UMC
PTLP (serving in retirement)
36975 S Highway 213, Mount Angel, OR 97362
(971) 225-8402
Local Pastor Rep. – Williams, Rev. Dr. Trina (Gregory Williams)
Mount Zion UMC, Clinton, LA and Saint Paul UMC, Ethel, LA
2133 Easter Lane, New Orleans, LA 70114
(504) 881-5955
Past President – Wolford, Gwen (Jim)
Antioch UMC West Virginia
19504 Knobley Rd., Burlington, WV 26710
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Representative
Amie Stewart
Assistant General Secretary Division of Ordained Ministry
Please feel free to contact any of the officers at the email addresses above